

Me: good aftnoon sir..
Vo: good aft, pass me ur file....( i gave him my file)
Vo: which university...
Me: univ of bridgeport
Vo; was looking at my degree certificate asked me...how many backlogs..Me' 4
Vo; What was ur exact aggreegate?
Me: 64.8%
Vo: good, how many uni did u apply and how many rejects and how many accepts...
Me: 3 uni.....1 accept 1 reject 1 pending....
Vo: who is funding you?
Me; ( wanted to tell parents but some how it came out of my mouth as) Father...
Vo: what is he doing?
Me: explained his designation and also told him my moms designation.....( was looking at my gre and tofel marks) and started typing some thing....
Vo: Your Visa has been issued, you can run.......i was out of the building in 2 min......i was very confident in my words and was smiling through out the interview.....

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