
@Auburn University

VO : Hi howwa u
me :am fine..n u?
VO : good...pass ur folder..passed
VO: Do u have any backlogs ( i guess this is her first question to evryone...she asked my frnd also the same thing )
me: nope. 78% wid distinction
VO : oh good.wt are the odr univs u got ur i20 frm
me : said
VO: so whoz gona spnser u
me: my parents..
VO: wt do they do ?
me: actually both my parents are retired
VO : oh..den how wil u pay for ur education?
me : i said we hav xx in SB and xx in FD..and i also got tution waiver and scholarship from the university.
VO : Ok..ur visa is approved
me: thank you!datz it.!! she didnt ask me anything like.. y this univ..y dis course..

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