
Experience@Bradley University

ME: Good morning Sir.
How are You?(Saying this i passed the folder)
VO: Very good morning. When did you undergraduate?
ME: Last month sir.
VO: Whats your percentage?
ME: 65.6% Sir.
VO: How many backlogs Sir?
ME: One Sir.
VO: Ok.
VO: (Looking at my I20) How did you select Bradley University?
ME: I consulted my friends and professors.(I did not even say that the university is good or anything like that)
VO: (Showing me the the I20) 16 lakh rupees for two years. How are you going to afford that? (Actually i have 20% aid from the university but he did not notice it)
ME: I have 13 lakh rupees in my parents bank account Sir.
VO: Whats your father?
ME: He does Real Estate Business Sir.
VO: Whats his income?
ME: 2.8 lakh rupees Sir.(My dad pays very low IT)
VO: (He stared at my face and asked) I am not sure you can pay this much of amount(looking at the I20).
ME: My parents annual income is 6.6 lakh rupees Sir, of that my Dad's income is 2.8 Lakhs. My Dad's been working for over 30 years now. I am sure he can fund my education.
VO: Do u have a bank loan?
ME: No, Sir.(Actually, i applied very late for the loan and its not been sanctioned yet)
VO: (By this time he looked a bit reluctant to give me the VISA) Can you show me your Dad's IT returns? I don't want to see any fake documents.
ME: Sure Sir, i have the photocopies of them. Will that do?(I gave him my mother's IT returns as well)
VO: (No reply. He was typing quickly something on his computer)
ME: (Passed the papers and looked at him thinking that i'll definitely be rejected the VISA)
VO: (Just looked at the papers) What are your Brothers and Sisters?
ME: My brother is an animator Sir. He works in a AD agency.
VO: (Did not understand what i was saying, as i was a little shaken by that time) Could you please repeat that?
ME: He's an animator Sir, works in an AD agency.
VO: (Typed something on his computer) I want you to put the middle finger of your left hand on the red light(There's a small finger print reader to the right)
VO: (Smiling) You will get your passport in two days.
ME: (Smiling) Thank you very much Sir.
VO: (Smiled again).

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