
@Univ of Connecticut storrs

ME: good morning
VO: hi
ME: passed the folder
VO: looked seriouly at the i20 and said very slowly UConn....( not audible)
Me: yes sir univ of connecticut
VO: how many back logs?? ( he asked the same to b4 person also)
ME: no backlogs
VO: what.........( something like multiple choice).....first class? ?? first class with distinction????????
ME: 79.4 sir univ third rank...
VO: which univ....
VO: show me your memos and how will you pay???
me: gave the memos( dint even looked or touched them )i got graduate assisantship........i have got graduate assistantship which carries full tuition fee waiver...
VO: raised eyebrows and said good luck.....and took the passport .....and signalled the person behind me to come
ME: thank you sir( the other one came and b4 i adjusted my certficates and i20 ..half of his interview finished)

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